Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Importance of Godly Counsel

Welcome to the lifestyles of the anointed

14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)

 17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Proverbs 27:17)

Throughout life, as we grow and develop into adults, we come across people who dramatically shape and in some ways define our lives. Some of those people add a positive spin to our lives and unfortunately there are some who have caused us some harm whether it be intentional or accidential.

Either way as children of God we believe that Romans 8:28 apply to our lives as a whole (28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.)

Early on in my walk I came to a place where I felt as if I were alone, as if those around me were unable to understand me and the things that I was experiencing as a young man seeking to find his way in the body of Christ. Although I still had good friends from the world and a few around me in the body, I felt as if neither we tangible. This became a desperate season in my life and from it a very crucial lesson was learned... Naturally, humans seek a sense of community or companionship with those around us, but in the spirit the word says that "How can two walk together unless in agreement?"

As children of God, specifically young adults and future leaders its very important that we watch and monitor who is around us and what we entertain from the relationships we have with others?

  • (1 Corinthians 15:33) 33 Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.”

Through preached words, studying and examining of what is perceived to be a righteous lifestyle, it can be understood that although our "friends" may have good intentions, good intentions actually mean nothing. Good intentions are truly only based on what may potentially take place. "To be honest, a friend will not speak to your situation when things aren't going well but they will always spoke to your faith in God (Paraphrased from a sermon by Ap.Howard)"

Let us raise this question then with 1 cor 15:33 as a basis, what happens then when one who is seeking a friendship or a bond with someone else, has come into agreement with unfavorable or unfruitful people? Answer... As the scripture has said "bad company corrupts good character." I'm sure we've all heard the saying " one spoiled apple ruins the bunch" as cliche as that is, it has some validity to it. To be in a friendship with someone or to come into a platonic relationship with someone is to come into agreement with them, while that may not seem like much in the natural, in the spirit this can be counterproductive and cause many issues for a young believer. Little do we know, or should I say little do we see that the company we keep is shaping the dynamic of our lives and being in their presence is changing us. Granted as it was said before some people shape our lives for the better but just as often we encounter people who's roles in our lives have, may have or could have taken a turn for the worse. This by no means is a justification to cast judgement on anyone because we know we ought to love everyone as Christ loves us. But this does raise a red flag in regards to knowing who you are around and whether or not they are affecting or infecting your life....

  • John 15:13 "13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Now when reading this passage of scripture in the proper context we read that we are no longer called servants but Jesus has called us friend, what greater friend is there?! With all that being said this scripture and it's author leaves us with a template or a model of who a friend should be? Think of it in a metaphorical sense... The type of friend that is describe in this scripture is selfless among other things. Jesus being our greatest friend laid down His life for us. How often in today's times do we see our "BFFs" laying down their objectives let alone their lives?

  • 14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14)
This scripture has multiple references to our topic. Often do we seek out our friends for advice on the many situations that go on in our lives. We ask them their opinion and try to gain understanding through hard times. What happens when their advice or perspective isn't constructive or in this case godly advice or counsel? How does that shape your opinion?

In my personal experience with giving advice and also receiving it I've come to understand that bad advice can make the situation worse and not only that but it affects life as a whole. The importance of Godly Counsel is that it will not steer you wrong, and its advice is always solidified in the word and ways of God. As a budding leader in the body of Christ it is so important that we take on the advice and instruction of our elders and those who have spiritual authority over us. Godly counsel brings understanding that greatly lessen the impact of hard situations that we experience in this walk with God.

  • 17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Proverbs 27:17)
For those who have read or even studied the book of proverbs we see that there are many "one liners" that are packed full of information and knowledge. Above we have yet another perfect example of the effectiveness of Godly Counsel. The metaphor, in this case, alludes to the benefits of effective relationships. When a blacksmith works with iron he uses iron to beat it into the desired shape and it takes form. Solomon writes that this same process applies to the two friends or two people in a relationship. Each should bring about a change in the other that results in the coming forth or realization of potential.

In conclusion... From every idea and piece of revelatory knowledge that was examined here, we see the very importance of Godly Counsel. We've come to understand that in the midst of everything that goes on in our day to day lives and the people that we meet during such days everything has an affect on us, especially those we allow to influence us. In the early stages of our walks with God we must be increasingly careful of those who may have crept in unaware (Jude 1:4) as well as those who are like the proverbial iron which only sharpens items that are to its liking. Let us be mindful of who we entertain and that we stay in a place that we may be helpers one to another (1 Thess 5:11) rather than a hindrance.

Please feel free to comment, ask questions and give respective opinions and perspectives...

And always in all things keep God first and contend for the faith!!! God Bless.