Monday, September 30, 2013

Can you feel me?!

(Luke 22:1-6) 22 Now the Festival of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was approaching, and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people. Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve. And Judas went to the chief priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus. They were delighted and agreed to give him money. He consented, and watched for an opportunity to hand Jesus over to them when no crowd was present.

Do you feel as if the call of God is your passion or do you feel like its just another job or assignment? What I've come to understand in this walk, is that when you take something serious and it becomes a part of you everything you are is attached to it, including your feelings.

How easy is it that we can get our feelings hurt while doing God's business? We work so hard and spend countless hours attempting to complete some aspect of the call on our lives. We go to each service, we attend the meetings, we love our neighbors, we do all we can to live the Christian life... But all of a sudden we get our feelings hurt, we get disappointed, we get overlooked, or something just isn't going the way we think they ought to. What is it that we are supposed to do? Are our feelings justified?

The word tells us that God's intention was to make us in His image, it also tells us that He has feelings. Naturally, we have feelings as a design by God. What do we do as Christians following the example when these feelings get hurt?!

The above scripture depicts a popular time in scripture in where Judas had agreed to betray Christ. Christ being God in the flesh and knowing who His betrayer was put in a situation where He not only had to acknowledge His hurt feelings but He had to carry out the mandate that was on Him. This in itself is a great example of the importance of continuing despite opposition, especially an attack against you spawned by yourself!

In all honesty do people mean to hurt our feelings? Sometimes yes and sometimes its unintentional, but what is more important, our feelings or what we are called to do for God's kingdom? What should we allow to stop us from completing our tasks? The answer saints, friends, future leaders and workers in the kingdom is... NOTHING!!!

Imagine the grace, faith and strength it took Christ to walk out the plan when He was looking His betrayer in the face, attempting to save His murderers, and giving His life for those who don't receive Him even 3500 years after His sacrifice. The world tells us that we are to accomplish what He did and even more, this is telling us to operate in grace and keep moving in strength, acknowledging our feelings but not allowing them to stand in the way of what we know the call is...

Despite what it feels like press on believer, continue to make progress in the kingdom, continue to retrieve your life back from the enemy and then turn and go back for the others still lost.

I pray your encouragement in the things of God, your strength against self and sent opposition and the tenacity, fervor and passion it takes to be success in this walk. In Jesus's name!

Please share, comment, spread and be on the look out for the next post. And as always be blessed...