Monday, November 11, 2013

Will you help me...?

Welcome to the lifestyles of the anointed

The weight of the walk seems to be consuming and the sacrifice it takes to continue is trying most of the time. The strength that it takes to continue in the path God has chosen for you seems to be slipping away and there seems to be no reprieve. You're holding on for dear life and just then, God sends a friend, family member, or even a stranger with that bit of encouragement that you need to continue on.

Have you ever noticed that when you are feeling low and stretched out by the call, there's no one around to help? This actually isn't the truth, the old war tactic calls for the enemy to divide and conquer. The enemy tries to separate us by any means he can, whether it be sibling rivalry, discord, lies or sin. But the word tells us that we cannot allow this to continue or even begin.

The strength that we as a family get from one another was the original intention of God, His word tells us that we are many members but one body. Hebrews 10:25 says "25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Although our hearts, churches, ministries and intentions are filled with love, the weight of all this can cause us to be weary in our flesh, in our minds and our walks. For one, if our mind is not in check then we are subject to its tricks, we can easily fall into the traps the enemy sets and be used for his intentions. We wouldn't be a part of this body is it wasn't God's intention but we must do our part to guard our hearts and relationships as well as the hearts and relationships of those around us. 

One of my favorite war stories is that of the Spartans of Greece. These soldiers had many war tactics but one that stuck out is the operation of their defense system. Each soldier protected the man to their left from thigh to neck with their shield and this made it mostly impossible to penetrate their ranks. It's funny how this foreshadows the scripture Romans 15:1-2 "1-2 Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”

Each soldier in the Lord's army has weaknesses and strengths but it's amazing how God designed us that one's strength can cover their brother and sister's weakness. 

It's imperative that we do our part to look after one another like we would do in our natural family. Often times pride, fear of rejection and shyness will keep siblings in Christ from reaching out for help or out to each other. As young leaders and people who profess the love and ministry of Christ, we must make it our job to tend to the fellow sheep, to call, text or go visit one another. How much more successful would this body be if we all were on one united front?!

Brothers and Sisters I beseech you by the mercies of God to do your best to love one another. No we won't always get along or want to be around each other but it is our commandment from God to LOVE EACH OTHER, which means helping, looking out, and showing concern for each other in and out of the church building...

Together we can achieve what God has destined us to do, together we can reclaim this world for the Kingdom of Heaven. I pray the love of God over you all my Father's children....

Please share, comment, spread and be on the look out for the next post. And as always be blessed...