Thursday, January 23, 2014


Welcome to the lifestyles of the anointed

Currently the world has a population of approximately 7 billion people and of these people almost 3 billion people are of the Christian religion. This in and of itself is an amazing number, that the ministry of one God-Man (Jesus Christ) has converted this many people in 3000 years. It's amazing that the spreading of the gospel, the revealing of the truth and the increasing of faith over this time span has brought these many people to the truth. 

Have you ever wondered why it was so necessary for our population to grow? Why was it so important to God and His only begotten son Jesus that the world be converted and exposed to the truth. The obvious answer is that He wished that no man would perish (2 Peter 3:9) but think about it what's the game plan?

The word of God describes us as an army but also as brothers and sisters following the first brother of many (Romans 8:29). One of the reasons I believe that God designed us this way is because He knew that we would need each other. He knew that this walk makes us foreigners in our own land, causes us to stand out, and makes, by the world's standards, insane. The importance of the spread of the truth is that many lives would be saved but also from the unity of one another. 

The scriptures speak about the benefits of unity, as well as how He views the relationship and covenant between us (Proverbs 11:14; Matthew 18:20 etc). Together we can accomplish so much, we can do so much more and the effectiveness of this gospel can be strengthened by the unity in our witness (John 13:35)

Imagine how much easier the weight of this walk would be if we had people that we could depend, people that we could lean on when the spiritual and natural war has us battled scarred and bruised. How much more desirable would this walk be if there was strength in numbers (Romans 15:1-6) 

I believe it is the desire of God that all His children would be there to support one another, I believe that He is pleased when we use the power that He has given us to help one another, when selfishness has no room in our hearts, and where selflessness has became our main goal to give to others more than we have for ourselves. God being the creator and embodiment of love would reasonably desire for His children to give like He did, He gave His best not because He wanted to gain but because He loved us enough, subsequently He received His lost children and relationships with people who otherwise would not have believed. 

Now as we are approaching new times in the body of Christ and in the world as a whole it is imperative that we stand up for one another as well as stand in the gap for one another. Prayer goes a long way in regards to being there but so does a literal helping hand, a hug, a phone call and even a word of encouragement. 

Unity is defined as the state of being in full agreement, just imagine if we the people of God embodied this statement, if we were in a continual state of agreement, if we were together in all things for the right reasons. I once read that you'll never see demons fight each other but they come as a unified front, they come together for the task that they have been sent out to do. The demonic forces are effective because they complete a task together for the sake of the whole.  Surprisingly enough we can learn something from these fallen angels... Unity gets the job done, one man cannot change the world, the one who could ascended already and His disciples were charged to come together and complete the work He started....

UNITY IS THE KEY FOR THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST TO CHANGE THE WORLD AND BRING THE LOVING TRUTH TO A DYING WORLD... Question is, will we join together despite any reason we have not and complete what Christ has called us to do?! 

Please share, comment, spread and be on the look out for the next post. And as always be blessed..