Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Welcome to the Lifestyles of the Anointed 

Webster defines the word survivor as " a person who survives, especially a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died." For most, life has been a series of obstacles that have required this mentality or character attribute. Many of us have had to endure incredible hardships and adapt to environments and situations that have been entirely unfavorable. Life has dealt us cards that other wouldn't be able to handle but in the midst of this adversity we have missed the detriment in the word "Survivor". In order to survive one must adapt, learn and become innovative in a situation or environment that is not to the favor of its subject. This all sounds good but where does this leave the believer, where does this leave the person who has been born again fearless with unlimited power? 

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

The model that the world follows is that of its forefathers, the mentality of this world is to make lemonade when life has given you lemons. For the one that has been given power to change the world, power to reshape circumstances and occurrences being a survivor is a hindrance, even worse it limits the possibility of becoming better. 

Apostle Paul rights in this letter that we aren't to conform to the pattern of this world, its no coincidence that this letter is going to the center of an empire that is reshaping the world to who's influence is still seen today. It's imperative that we as believers allow the Holy Spirit to rewire our minds to think like the king and not as commoners.

The bible says so many great things about the body of Christ but if you notice, positively speaking, the everything we are and are to do is written in a progressive and increasing context. Being a survivor goes against who we are by supernatural nature, we are not to survive but to overcome, conquer, defeat that which keeps us bound to limited thinking and achievements.

Who you rather just make it, or would you rather be able to find peace in escaping mediocrity of social and economical limitations? I for one am not a survivor, I'm a conqueror, I'm royalty, I have overcome!