Thursday, November 13, 2014

We need a hero!

Welcome to the Lifestyles of the Anointed

"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." (John 3:17)

How is it that we define what a hero is? Is a hero someone who is selfless, someone who does things for others without thought of repayment, or is it someone who risks their lives for others like a firefighter or police officer? 

One definition says "A hero or heroine refers to characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self-sacrifice—that is, heroism—for some greater good of all humanity." 

When we think of the world in it's current state, do we think of God first? Or do we think of what the world is missing out on while in their unbelief? As I sit back and just think of the current affairs going on in the world I see a great many things. I see advancement both economically and socially, industries attempting to thrive in business and commerce but most noticeable is the fear and hopelessness that seems to be taking over and reshaping the world. 

The bible tells us in Proverbs 13:12 that a hope deferred makes the heart sick. When we have lost hope in our lives, our business both professional and personal, and in ministry our heart, our epicenter grows sick, cancerous even. Through this heart condition it is my belief that we allow the normal trials and legitimacy of life to consume us to the point of losing faith. Shockingly, most of the time this goes unnoticed, it is not till the very moment that we are need of Him do we notice that we have misplaced our focus on Christ. 

In these last days we are in need of a hero, we are in need of a restoration of our hope in living again.

Ecclesiastes 3:15 says " What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again." 

Bring the two scriptures together and we see that once before God saw a people lost of hope and falling in love with themselves. The Father looked down and saw that people had lost sight of Him and because of this loss were losing their grip on destiny. During this time, being the loving God that He is, He sees the need to reclaim and reestablish what is His. Instead of punishing the world for it's unbelief and its resulting sin God sends Christ into the world to save it.

Brothers and sisters we are all in need of a hero, we are in need of a dose of hope. We need to be revived from the conformity of this world and renewed in the hope that the master's plans shall prevail. In not so many words we are in need of refocusing on what really matters in life and that He who gave it to us. 

Hypothetically speaking, how could batman, superman or spiderman do what they do less they had a people who not only had a need to be saved but who let them serve in this capacity? We have to do what we know is right and submit to God so that He will be able to move on our behalf. Let us not stand in the way of the very thing that we need and truthfully desire. 

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