Saturday, February 21, 2015

Love wins...

Welcome to The Lifestyles of The Anointed
18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love (1 John 4:18)

As we look to media, society and the collected wealth of knowledge we still find ourselves asking the complex question, what is love? Some are able to sum up love to being a feeling that people share between one another, others sum up the definition from a deeper perspective. Love in a nut shell is the very foundation of the world, love is powerful beyond measure, it is the very essence of existence.

When we look at the scripture and take into account that the bible also say that God is love (1 John 4:8) we understand that love must take on the characteristics of that which it is, in this case love must have the characteristics of God. If we viewed love in the proper perspective we wouldn't be so quick to misuse it or so willing to believe a complete misunderstanding.

In my personal experience natural human love is contingent on a reciprocation, it is contingent on conditions that may or may not be expressed. If we were to for just a moment loved how God has loved just imagine how we would be able to change the world for the better. God does not love His family in the Earth based on how we love Him. He does not show affection, blessings or any other attribute based how we as people may respond or act. God's love is pure for more than Him being holy and perfect, His love is pure because it knows no bounds, holds no record of suffering rejection and simply is because it is.

With so much going on in the world, so much calamity mixed in with simple success as well as the failings of human systems the one thing, the one institution that should remain prevalent is love. No matter what happens, who comes, who goes, what you win or what you inevitably will lose love should always survive.

If you can imagine a world where people loved out of truth and necessity rather than with the expectation to gain something in return. What if people loved not because we are commanded to but because it's what we know to do through the teaching of the truth about love? Love cannot be diminished to a simplistic existence because it surpasses our understanding. A lot of what we do in life is about cause and affect, our actions seem to be based off Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion "Every action has an opposite and equal reaction." In most instances this would be correct but as it pertains to love it shouldn't be. Love should have a similar magnified affect when activated amongst people.

It is my prayer this year that we all come to the true understanding of what love really is, that we get away from considering love to be butterflies in our stomachs and physical attractions to other people. Let's allow love to have it proper place in our lives and even more so let's allow love's power to do exactly what the scripture says... LET'S ALLOW LOVE TO WIN!!!!