Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I'm Different

Welcome to The Lifestyles of the Anointed
2 Corinthians 6:17 "17 So, come out from among [unbelievers], and separate (sever) yourselves from them, says the Lord, and touch not [any] unclean thing; then I will receive you kindly and treat you with favor... (AMP)"

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to relate to your friends once you've decided to give your life to Christ? Have you experienced the reality check of being in this world and not of this world?

When I decided for myself to give my life to Christ, rather it being the joyous time that people think it is, I experienced one of the loneliest times of my life. I wasn't sad because I had to give up the life I was living. I wasn't sad that I may lose friends and may not be the person I once was. The sadness came from finally seeing that I have been called to be different. Sounds silly doesn't it? When you weigh your options, living life for Christ or staying in the midst of mediocrity it's obvious what most people would choose. But think about how it feels to know that the world around you is separate from the world that you experience on the day to day basis.

As I matured in Christ I began to understand why God required us to be separate or different. Through reading the word and personally taking my relationship serious I found out that in order to positively affect the world of Christ I cannot be as they are... Scripture tells us that He has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. The reason being is that darkness cannot shed any light but light can cast out the darkness.

If you look around in our current environment you see what state the world is in. The world has entered into and has been in a state of self destruction via the indulgence of self will, lust, sinful desires but most of all the lost of hope.

People have a tendency to blame the church for so many things, but more often than not they blame the church for not being the example that they understand it should be. We as the "different" or separated of God are supposed to be the shining example of a different life. The unbeliever looks to us to see the opportunity of a more excellent way of living. Do you see the real job we have as believers?!

It's a blessing to be called to be different, it's an honor to exchange our previous course of action for the path that God has intended. To make it that much better we have a body of 3.1 billion people who are in the same transition. Understand that as the world continues in their ignorance of the existence of Christ, we the different or separated are experiencing a world that they have yet to enjoy. We are blessed to be given the revelation as Peter received. By giving us the free gift of the Holy Spirit and separating us from our former life of sin we've been given the opportunity of eternal life with our king... I'm blessed to be different!