Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Time To Pray

Welcome to The Lifestyles of the Anointed
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
I've heard it said that if you're only praying when you're in trouble, then you're in trouble. Even in my personal walk I catch myself waking up and starting my day and not acknowledging the Father for the gift of life. Earlier in my walk I would notice that it's been a few days before I have spoken to God. The detriment in not staying in a position of prayer is serious for every level of believer. Communication with God aka Prayer is a daily necessity not only to hear His instructions but to also keep the relationship fresh and open between Creator and creation.
If we begin to break apart the scripture, for comprehension sake, the first part states that "If my people who are called by my name..." We must keep in mind that we were brought from the powers of sin by a great price. Now in our name creation form we are no longer called by our misdeed or carnality but we are called by the name of our Savior. How much more significant do we then become while under new ownership?
The next part says "will humble themselves..." Why is this so important? The humbling of oneself to submit to prayer is key. In the mold that we are created in there is power, much more power than that of god of the world (Satan), we must submit the power that we have (Acts 1:8 power as well as the power of free choice) in order to get in the proper posture of prayer.
The next part depicts how we are to pray unto God "pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways..." Simply stated this is how we approach the throne of grace. We have to open the liens of communication seeking His face and turning from our own ways. WE cannot come to God in by our own means of communication. Being all sovereign we must speak to Him in a way that He considers acceptable.
Then the sum of the verse shows us the results of taking prayer seriously, from being in the proper position, and then receiving from God what we've been asking for.
It's truly perilous times that we have been living in for generations. We have been seeing the downfall of man consistently generation to generation. We've been witnessing a loss of hope and faith, a loss of sight of God. The main staple in the life of a believer is prayer. The only true way to be connected in the fold and to be involved in His works and with the other members of His bride is to be united in prayer. We may not all pray the same thing or on the same subject but we all should pray in a way to get results and not just be talking to ourselves...
My Father's children, now is a time to pray, not a time to present a list of wants but to bare down in intercession. Intercession for our nations, our leader both spiritual and natural and for the lives of each and every believer... Will you join me in a commitment of prayer, to be in a position to pray and expect successful results? I believe God for you and the expansion of your prayer lives... God bless you!