Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Life in the key of Hope

Welcome to The Lifestyle of The Anointed 

“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

It is not hard to believe that everyone in life goes through a lot. People, in general, experience many ups and downs in life but the one thing that we can have a confident hope in is the plans of our Lord. It's reassuring to know that He, the founder of the universe has and is thinking about me and my life. God the sovereign power is thinking and planning on my behalf.

The thoughts of God towards us are thought of our benefit. He that controls all set out at the moment of our conception to prosper us and to position us in the path of success. I know, being someone who struggles with control, that it can be hard to always be led by faith. Not knowing what tomorrow brings can stress someone out! But here's the peaceful part of it, if we ascribe ourselves to the plans and the ordered foot steps that have been laid before us, what is there to be stressed about?! If we do our part to line up with the plans for us, to rest in the blessed assurance that Christ has everything planned out, then the rest of life because a beautiful masterpiece depicted through the eyes of God.

The scripture tells us that we are to have hope in our final outcome. Did you know that God has planned, sacrificed, and willed that in the end we would be called back unto Him? He's set it up that after all the hardships, the failures and the successes, after all we go through if life, if we were to just be in Him as He desires to be in us the hope of our final outcome is eternal life in Christ.

God's word as a whole brings hope to the believer, but this passage of scripture specifically allows us to know the mind of God. In all His infinite wisdom and understanding He took out the time to think about us. If you take a moment and think back on some of the hardest times in your life, you cannot help but to be overjoyed in the fact that it wasn't for nothing. You did not go through so much and experience so much for nothing.

Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for them that love the Lord and that are called according to His purpose. The life span of the believer that of great triumph. WE may not always see how our current situation is blessing us, or how are current situation could possibly mean anything good. Know believer that God has seen our lives play out before Him and that He has orchestrated that in the beginning, during and end of life His children are favored and blessed for His name sake.

I want to pray and pronounce peace over everyone who is taking the time to read this posting. May you experience the peace of His expected end. May you believer find hope in the plans that our Heavenly Father has set out before us. I pray that these words, as King David said, as written on your heart. May these words comfort you, build you up and give you Holy confidence in the rest of your days. May you experience the everlasting joy that is the position you hold in the Master's mind.