Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Empty Me

Welcome to The Lifestyles of The Anointed

19 For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. (Galatians 2:19-20) 

Can you take a moment and try to remember who or how you were when the truth of Christ Jesus first met you? Now can you feel or embrace the desire you have now for the new person that Christ is making you into? 

Most often than not the truth of Christ met us after we have lived in this world and had become a certain person. Truthfully speaking even those including myself who were raised in the church have also been shaped and molded by our surroundings. With this understanding we must see the difference between who we have become over time and who Christ desires us to be and then consequently who He desires to use. 

Is what we have gained through the world useful to the mission of Christ for our lives? Do we have to lose who we are in order to complete what has been inscribed for our lives?

Matthew 4:18-22 depicts Christ meeting the first disciples, and where did He meet them? Christ met some of the most important people in this faith doing exactly what they would normally. Never did He ask for them to immediately convert and change their ways, all Christ said was stop what you're currently doing and follow me. This applies to modern day disciples as well, Christ isn't asking for immediate change (not to say that it isn't possible). God being the creator, He knows everything there is to know about us. He knows every proclivity that we have, every issues, every gift. 

As believers, those who desire righteousness and salvation through our faith in Jesus Christ we must get to a point that not only are we honest with ourselves and with God in regards to who we were, are and will be but we also must be willing to have God remove what is in us that is not fruitful or useful to Him.

In retrospect Isaiah 55:11 tells us that every thing that has been spoken into our lives including our lives must finish the assignment that it has been given. We cannot return to God full! It's so imperative that we allow the Holy Spirit to empty us out. We should pray that the Holy Spirit empty us of every issues as well as gift. At that moment that we are called to rest we should be emptied of everything, everything poured out to God whether in use or waste.

As someone who is going through a season of stripping I can profess that there's nothing like the freedom we find in Christ. There is nothing like finally being able to see the cup as half full rather than half empty. Truth of the matter is, all that we entertain in life at some point begins to jade our perspective and understanding. One thing that I have learned during this time is when God is prepared to empty you out or take away from you its purposely so that He can give you what He desires us to have. How much greater is His ability to give than what we hold on to day to day?

Pray this with me... Father in Jesus name I pray that you empty me so that there is more than enough room for you to fill me up with all of you. I pray in Jesus name that you download into me my portion of the Holy Spirit. Give unto me precious Lord that which you desire me to have and I will be blessed. I give you access to my life and endeavors and I pray that you remove and add what you see fit... IJN Amen

As always I pray that you have received something from this blog posting and I also pray that the peace of God would be our portion as we continue to grow in God... Blessings to you, don't forget to share, comment and look forward to the next posting

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