Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Welcome to The Lifestyles of the Anointed
Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. (Matthew 6:33)
The most disheartening thing that I constantly hear from the world is how much they don't like church or organized religion. The reason that this is so disappointing is not because of their dislike but it's the deception that has caused the distain for the church. The believers as well as the society's misconception has turned the kingdom of God into a cliché that has completely missed the King's intentions.
We are experiencing the aftermath of a generation that has lost too much and a generation that is next in line to lose everything. We have gotten so far from the original intent of God's blessing us with life that we actually find many people believing that they are the highest power whether in intellect, creation or actuality. We as a people have entered into a dangerous time where we have lost sight of our God and have positioned ourselves to be susceptible to gods of this land.
I believe that a reintroduction is needed between God and His kingdom and His people. The generation that is being risen has their work cut out for them. It will solely be our responsibility to recapture the minds and spirit of the King's people and return them back to God. WE as the coming into power leaders must reacquire all the territory (physical, mental, spiritual, natural and supernatural) that has been lost through an unfavorable transfer of power from we the King's men to the lesser powers of satan and his kingdom.
The highlighted scripture sets in order exactly what we are supposed to be doing in this life. We are supposed to be seeking the desires and wills of our King before we seek to fulfill our own ambitions. While we seek the will of our Lord the blessing is that we find ourselves walking out our purposes. While in pursuit of what the Father would desire in the Earth we find ourselves separating from temporary endeavors and attaching ourselves to eternal blue prints and plans that have existed far beyond those that are involved.
To be a member of a kingdom of this magnitude far surpasses our humanistic understanding, but more so speaks to our spirit man as it finds itself being reattached and realigned with the original source. WE can longer afford to jeopardize our involvement in the Father's plans just to satisfy fleshly desires. How honorable is it to submit under a just and holy King and to be given an opportunity to work for His will?
This reintroduction does more than presents an eternal kingdom to a finite mind but it presents a working individual to a purposeful plan... I leave you with this quote from the late Dr. Myles Munroe...
" Your work is not your Job. Your job is what they pay you to do. Your work is what you were born to do. Your Job is your skill. Your work is your gift." Dr. Myles Munroe 

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