Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lesson Learned

Welcome to Lifestyles of the Anointed 

“We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭AMP‬‬

I've heard it say many times that hindsight is 20/20. Not until this most recent season in life did I grasp my own understanding of this cliche or phrase. Often as we go through life we never take a second thought as to how our decisions in the present will affect us later on in life. What affect will these seemingly meaningless decisions have on the future me? It is this lapse in judgement that usually comes to bite us in the butt so to speak.

"Prior planning prevents poor performance" Thinking ahead or planning has so many benefits but in the rush of our formidable years, who's thinking about planning? Truthfully we'be been apart of a plan from the beginning of time. From the very start God had put plans to our creation, that we would be able to complete. I know that sounds as if our lives have no personal touches but the fact is, while the book on us has already been written, we in the present have the ability to change the chapters. Although the end result never changes, we via our decisions affect the journey. With that type of power comes great responsibility.

Romans 8:28 provides us a little more understanding of this. All things that have happened, that are happening and that will happen will work to our benefit. We go through a lot both positive and negative in life but because God's position on us never changes, His will that we prosper never changes either. God's plan to have mankind personify His intentions has never changed. We are the Windows through which the unbelievers see the benefits of a life of righteousness in Christ.

With this understanding, how then should we view and inevitably handle hardships in life? I've learned from much trial and error that we as His children ought to face adversity, hardships, set backs etc with a confident faith knowing that our Savior has been there this whole time ensuring the journey before us and that the promises of the Father never fail.

Psalm 139, tell us that no matter what the situation, location, circumstance or result that Christ would always be there. This fact is the source of confident hope in He that will never fail. Our relationship with Christ is the one thing that will never fail us.

Jeremiah 17:5 tell us in its essence that we put ourselves in trouble by trusting in something as frail as human beings. There are seasons in which those around us are tremendously helpful in wise counsel but truthfully there's but one source in which we will experience the greatest fulfillment of joy.

The lesson learned here is that God has to be the center of all things in our lives. The will for our lives will come to pass no matter how long we make the process but we cause our own hardships in life by not lining or aligning ourselves with the author of our lives. My grandpa use to say that "a hard head makes a soft behind". Brothers and sister take heed to these words. Know that God wishes to prosper you, that you be in good help even as your soul prospers. But, even God in His sovereignty does not go against our will. We as a generation need to pray, pray that God exposes to us the intention He has had for our lives and how can we better align ourselves in His will.

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